Only the shadow left

Subtitle: (Baštova 1)

Wood, textile, cupboard, acrylic, lamp and shadow, 40 x 50 x 40 cm, 2014-18

From the exhibition at Youth Gallery, Nitra, 2018.

In this small model my main tool the shadow. The shadow is the lack of light caused by the object. It is a 2D projection of 3D objects that is projected on 3D space. So it draws not only the outlines of the projected object but as well the one where the projection appears on.

What happens when a subject disappears?
Only the shadow thrown on other objects leaves.

When I apply the similar principle on human beings, the only thing left is what remains inside other humans.

From the exhibition at Youth Gallery, Nitra, 2018. Photo: Martin Daniš
From the exhibition at Youth Gallery, Nitra, 2018. Photo: Martin Daniš
From the exhibition at Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava, 2019. Photo: Martin Jirku
From the exhibition at Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava, 2019. Photo: Martin Jirku

V malom modeli je pre mňa hlavným nástroj zobrazenia tieň. Tieň je nedostatok svetla, spôsobený objektom. Je 2D priemetom 3D objektov, ktorý sa premieta v 3D priestore. Kreslí teda nielen obrysy objektu, ktorý premieta, ale aj toho, na ktorý je premietaný.

Čo sa stane, keď predmet zmizne?
Zostane iba tieň, vrhnutý na iné predmety.

Keď podobný princíp premietnem na ľudské bytosti, zostane iba to, čo zanechali v nás ostatných.