No title

Exhibition POSTMedium, Galerie FaVU, Brno, 2018

Authors: Diana Cencer Garafová, Lenka Lindák Lukačovičová
Curator: Marianna Brinzová
Duration: 23. 5. – 20. 6. 2018

In this “No title” exhibition I aimed tho create the model of the exhibition space inside the real gallery (FaVU Gallery in Brno). First I have created the paper model of the gallery in 1:100, after I tried to enlarge this with all its defects in scale 1:1, so the viewer can physically entered this space. Wall became papers where the drawing appeared. During the enlargement process I scaled up the drawing and the pencils as well. The exhibition included also the 1:10-scaled model, in which there were several other 1:100 spaces showed, so the viewer can choose his position towards the gallery space – inside, outside or both at the same time.

“By her illusion, Garafová questions the role of the gallery and its architectural space as itself. In its intervention, the viewer seems to be diminishing and perceiving space with a different extent and from a new perspective. This opens up the possibilities of perception and “entry” into imaginative spaces where (as opposed to reality) the new relationships and rules work.”

Marianna Brinzová

Real space 1:1, drawing on the wall, Photo: Denisa Römerová
Real space 1:1, drawing on the walls, Photo: Denisa Römerová
Photo: Denisa Römerová
Photo: Denisa Römerová
Model of the gallery 1:100

Model of the gallery 1:100, detail
Real space 1:1, drawing on the wall
Model of the gallery 1:10, Photo: Denisa Römerová
Inside the model of the gallery 1:10, Photo: Denisa Römerová
Real space 1:1, drawing on the wall, Photo: Denisa Römerová

“Garafová pomocou ilúzie spochybňuje úlohu galérie a jej architektonický priestor ako taký. Divák sa v jej intervencii akoby zmenšuje a vníma priestor v inej miere a z novej perspektívy. To mu otvára možnosti percepcie a „vstup“ do imaginatívnych priestorov, v ktorých (oproti realite) fungujú nové vzťahy a pravidlá.”

Marianna Brinzová